Why It is Important to Feed Your Pet on a Schedule?
You have heard of many different ways and naming systems when it comes to feeding your pet — grazing, feeding, feeding 3 times a day, etc. We think planned feeding at Primal is the key to a healthy and happy pet. Dogs and cats are meat eaters and better adapted for planned meals than for nibbling on their food all day long.
Reasons To Feed Your Pet On A Schedule
Here are four reasons why we propose to feed portioned meals on a schedule:
1. Creatures of Habit:
Dogs and cats are habitual creatures – every day, they have similar puppy feeding schedules. As a result, your pet depends on you as an owner to feed them at specified times. Feeding on a constant schedule allows them to feel that they are taken care of and this is a strong link between you and your pet!
2. Emotional Well-Being
As noted above, feeding your pet on a constant puppy feeding schedule enables them to feel loved and safe, which makes them overall happier and more contentable! The connection between humans and animals cannot be enhanced by free feeding as your pet or dog does not have a strong sense of when or if they are fed.
3. Having a Normal Appetite
Think about it — do you have an insatiable appetite when you have the flu? When something goes wrong with us, a crucial indication for many cats and dogs is appetite, and it is the same way. You can often say that your pet is off and maybe a sign of a disease or health problem, because of a lack of hunger. If your pet doesn’t eat, you should recognize that in your behavior. If you feed your pet freely, it could be harder to gauge the health of your pet off your hunger if your previous full meal is not known.
4. Obesity Prevents
As an animal owner, you should check your puppy feeding schedule and not the other way around. Feeding on a consistent and rigorous timetable helps you to monitor the caloric and nutritious consumption of your pet every day. Whenever your pet wishes to eat, it is often at great risk of overeating or undernourishing your pet.

Nancy, our tech-savvy pet parent, explores the latest in pet tech, from smart toys to interactive feeders.